Boch Center’s City Spotlights Summer Leadership Program (SUMMER - PAID)

·        City Spotlights Summer Leadership Program is a 6-week summer employment program that will hire up to 60 Teen Leaders, specializing in an area of the performing arts (dance, music, or acting) to use the arts for social change in their communities.
·        Teen Leaders will work collaboratively to create an original educational performance to be presented at the Shubert Theatre, as well as and arts-based workshop on a social justice topic that will tour to different community sites in the city for a week during the summer. They will also participate in a Flashmob Tour for a full day bringing their dance, music, and theatre pieces all around Boston.
·        Teen Leaders will deepen their facilitation and job readiness skills; engage Boston residents in meaningful dialogue about a social justice topic; and operate as change agents in their communities.
·        For students ages 15 – 19 years old
·        Wage: Teen Leaders will be paid $12.00/hr for up to 25 hours per week.
·        Hours: Mondays through Thursdays from 9:30-4:30pm, and Fridays from 1pm-4pm at the Boch Center, located in Downtown Boston, to receive arts and leadership training in preparation for the performance and workshop tours.
·        More information can be found at


Javiera Lagunas ÁLVAREZ
Teen Programs Manager | Boch Center | 270 Tremont Street | Boston, MA 02116 | P: 617.532.1250

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