Retail Jobs Hiring NOW

Retail Jobs Hiring NOW 
(10/3 - these jobs may not be posted long so apply NOW!)

Sales Associate, Cashier, Stock
18+ years old
Dorchester, Somerville, Fenway

Restaurant Team Member
16+ years old
(Delivery driver: 18+)
Dorchester, Charlestown, Chelsea

Customer Service Representative

18+ years old
Location: Dorchester, Roslindale, South Boston, East Boston, Revere, West Roxbury 

14+ years old
Various Locations

Crew Member
15+ years old
Apply online or in store
Various locations
Apply Online:

Customer Service Specialist
16+ years old
Dorchester, Cambridge

Team Member
16+ years old
Location: Various locations in Boston

Team Member
Age:  18+ years old 
Locations: Cambridgeside Galleria Mall, Hyde Park, South Station

Team Member
Age: 16+ years old
Locations: Dorchester, Allston, Roslindale, West Roxbury
Apply Online:

Boston Restaurant Team
Age: 16+ years old
Various Locations 
Apply Online:

Cashier, Dishwasher, Server, Host, Cook
Age: 15+ years old
Back Bay, North Station, Downtown, Cambridge

Store Team Member
Age: 16+ years old
Search for locations 
Apply Online:

Grocery Store
Ages 15+ years old
Various Locations
Apply Online:

Age::16+ years old
Location: Back Bay, Seaport, Dedham, Cambridge
Apply online:


Follow Up Steps for Retail Positions

  1. Complete the application (paper, online, or in-store?). Double check for errors and that all fields are filled in.

  1. Either submit the application online, in the store kiosk, or turn it in to the Hiring Manager at the store. If you are going into the store, be dressed professionally!

  1. Wait 3 days - 1 week to follow up with the store itself. If you do not hear from them, you can call or go into the store and ask to speak with a manger. 
    1. Introduce yourself, remind them of the date you applied for the position, and ask them “where am I in the hiring process?” 
    2. Try to find out if they will be interviewing, how many people they want to hire, and the timeline for the interviews. If you are going into the store, be dressed professionally!

  1. If you do not hear from them in the next week or so, you are welcome to call or drop in again. Explain when you’ve applied, which manager you’ve spoken to (if it’s a different person), and that you’re still very interested in the position. Try again to find out a more firm deadline on where you are in the process. If you are going into the store, be dressed professionally! 

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