Suffolk County Sheriff's Department Summer Enrichment Program - CLOSED

Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)  
·       Summer Enrichment Program provides young people with the opportunity to begin an internship with one of the oldest law enforcement agencies in the country, and one of the largest in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts while working alongside established career professionals in the world of law enforcement.
·       Participants will gain insight into the world of law enforcement through job shadowing, weekly presentations by members of law enforcement, roundtable discussions, law enforcement-related field trips, and educational tours.

Quick Facts:
·       Dates: 7 weeks (Monday July 9 – Friday August 24)
·       Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm
o   3 days/week – Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (21 hours/wk)
·       Wage: $11.00/hour
·       Work on a team for the Sheriff at either the Suffolk County Jail, House of Corrections, or Chelsea Training Facility & Civil Process
·       Weekly meetings on Wednesdays with top officers from the law enforcement community
·       Weekly tour or field trip on Fridays
·       Gain insight into the world of law enforcement

Eligibility Requirements:
·       Must be currently in 10th or 11th grade (this means you will be entering 11th or 12th grade in fall 2018 - current freshmen, current seniors cannot apply)
·       Must live in Boston, Chelsea, or Revere
·       Ideal applicants will be mature and professional
·       Must have an interest in some aspect of law enforcement/criminal justice/police work   

Interviews will be held Monday May 14th – Friday May 25th ß mark your calendar
·       If selected, you will be required to attend an interview.
·       After the interview, decisions will be given by PHONE – check your phone and don’t miss the call!
·       PLEASE MAKE SURE you put down a working cell phone number on your application and have a voice message set up.

IF you’re selected as an intern, you will need to provide the following:
·       Must have a photo ID (School ID, unexpired Passport, Social Security, Permanent Resident Card (green card), MA State ID or Drivers’ License) to photocopy
·       Must have a bank account: checking or savings. Ask your parents to take you to the bank and set one up for you, if you don’t have it
·       Must have an updated Physical Form from your doctor certifying you are in good health
·       Must be able to pass a drug test


1.      Ask 3 different people to be references BEFORE you begin the online application.
·       You will need full names and phone numbers to put on the online application so collect this information first BEFORE you start the application.
·       Acceptable references: A teacher, guidance counselor, a supervisor at your job, or someone from a volunteering commitment.
·       You CANNOT ask family members or relatives to be a reference.
·       This application is NOT asking for a recommendation letter.

2.      Complete the online application:
·       You will be asked to give your 3 references here
·       Be prepared to answer these questions:
o   What areas of law enforcement are you interested in?
o   Why are you interested in the Summer Enrichment Program at the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department?
o   Please tell us in your own words why you will make an excellent addition to the Summer Enrichment Program at the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department. (150 - 200 words.)
·       PLEASE make sure you use FULL and COMPLETE sentences and words: i.e. the word is spelled “you” not “u”.  Capitalize your personal pronoun “I”. Please be thorough and detailed with your responses.
·       Do NOT fill that section “For Office Use Only”. Just “Click to Complete”

3.      Email your Career Specialist to let them know that you’ve applied to this internship. Please provide the following information:
·       Your Full Name
·       School
·       Cell Phone Number

Deadline is Monday April 30th – 5:00PM

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